Our most frequently asked questions are gathered below to save you time.
Q: What does the loan application process look like?
A: Once you fill out the application and our system qualifies you, you will be given a link to download a screen capture application. Simply download this application, log into your online banking, and follow the on screen instructions. This should take less than one minute. Once your banking details have been processed, we will send the funds to you immediately.
A: Simply fill out the application form again and we'll process your application immediately. Reloans are processed much quicker than initial loans.
Q: What do I need before applying?
A: The most important qualification is that you must have a bank account with online banking access and employment income. We use your online banking to confirm your employment income. You must also be at least 21 years of age. It is preferable that you have your pay deposited by direct deposit, but if you don't and you are paid by cheque then you may be required to supply a pay stub.
Q: If I'm on social assistance, can I still qualify?
A: At this time we only offer loans to people with employment income. We may revisit this policy in the future, so please check back later.
Q: Your date format is confusing to me. What does a date look like?
A: We use ISO dates, meaning the format is YYYY-MM-DD. For example, today would be 2025-02-23
Q: Can I reapply after being rejected for a loan?
A: You can apply as many times as you like, but we will only review applications after 30 days have passed since your last rejection.
A: We operate 24/7, however our call center is only available from 8-8.