We operate across the globe, giving the world's citizens access to fast cash. We started out offering payday loans in Canada and are now exploring numerous international jurisdictions.
A: When people need funds, they usually have a number of options. The one thing that most of those options have in common is their speed of delivery. In almost every case you will be looking at several days or weven weeks to even get an answer back about your application. That can lead to real trouble if the application is denied when you were counting on those funds.
Our business is all about cutting out the red tape and serving you as fast as possible. You will never have to wait more than an hour to find out the status of your application and funds will never take longer than one day to arrive, except on weekends for new customers. For returning customers, 30 minutes is typical.
You can only speed things up to a certain point, and there are other lenders who can match us in speed. Our key difference is in our customer service. We don't have aggressive staff who harass our customers about their loans. We are always willing to make compromises and negotiate when you need an extension or can't make your payment for any reason.